Saturday 12 March 2011

Roman Polanski Blogathon

Roman Polanski Blogathon

I will be hosting a Roman Polanski blogathon from March 27-29. I am certain there are many of you out there who have strong opinions, one way or the other, on Polanski and his films. He certainly proved last year that at the age of 77, he remains one of the most successful of all film directors, as his most recent movieThe Ghost Writer, was critically acclaimed by reviewers in many countries across the globe.

I will ask those who wish to contribute a post to do so in this fashion. You will write a post and upload it on your own blog, beginning on March 27. Merely email me a few days before at with your name and a link to your post. I'll reply, letting you know when I'll feature it - I will include a few lines from your post as well as a link for readers to find your work.

I expect some strong opinions on Polanski's work, especially given the themes of evil present in most of his best films, includingRosemary's Baby, Chinatown and The Ghost Writer. Of course, there are other wonderful films that merit discussion, includingRepulsion, Knife in the Water, Frantic and Tess, to name only a few.

The very mention of Polanski's name instills anger in some, given his legal troubles in the US in the 1970s. I expect that this will be included in certain posts - I have no problem with that. All I ask is that if you do bring up his past criminal behavior, please refer to it in a review of his cinema, be it one film or his entire body of work. I will not accept a rambling piece on how Polanski is some sort of madman or deviant. Be critical of his films, if you will, but let's keep this focused first and foremost on his cinematic works.

I am writing this now, as I will not be able to update my blog for about 12 days. I will have a reminder post on this around March 17. I look forward to a everyone's contribution - there should be a stimulating conversation!

Here is another photo you can use on your blog (along with the one on top) to promote this blogathon:

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